Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Bedford Avenue

April 23, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

When people hear “Bedford Avenue” more often than not they think of Williamsburg. This is a shame as this thoroughfare (Brooklyn’s longest at 10.2 miles) cuts through a number of other very interesting neighborhoods. More importantly (to us Greenpointers anyway) is the fact it starts right here in the Garden Spot. Which brings me to today’s installment of Greenpoint goodness from back in the day.

Although it has gotten a major face lift One Bedford Avenue is still more or less recognizable. I would have loved to have seen the interior of “Dreams” night club. It looks like it was one swinging place!

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Greenpoint Photo du Jour: Bedford Avenue

  1. nbenford on Wed, 23rd Apr 2008 8:03 pm
  2. I’m not sure how the upper floor (Nassau side) fared during last month’s fire though. Anyone have any info on that affair? When buildings less that 100 feet from me go up in flames I get a bit worried…

  3. missheather on Wed, 23rd Apr 2008 8:15 pm
  4. Last time I checked (Friday) they were working in there. I suspect the damage looks worse than it actually is. I understand your concern. Whenever I hear a firetruck on my block I freak out.

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