Help Wanted: Foster Mom (Or Dad)

This little one (which the folks at Dog Habitat have named “Socks”) was recently found in a backyard in Greenpoint. He is three weeks old and I have been told was in pretty rough shape. Thanks to our very own Greenpoint vet and the folks of Dog Habitat he is doing much better— but still needs the help of a very special person. May be you? Jay writes:


Do you know any body who could help care for a 3 week-old kitten? we have formula and medication from his visit to the vet. we just need an extra pair of hands to help feed the little guy… we can take care of him tonight and tomorrow if there’s someone who can switch off for the weekend.

It goes without saying that someone who has experience with neo-natal cats is preferred. If you have what it takes please contact the folks at Dog Habitat via email at: rescue (at) doghabitat (dot) org. They can also be reached via telephone at (347) 689 – 4000.


Miss Heather


One Comment on Help Wanted: Foster Mom (Or Dad)

  1. d on Sat, 21st Aug 2010 2:31 pm
  2. Did you find anyone? I hope so, I keep thinking of this poor little gremlin and wish I had the time/capacity to do it.

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