From The New York Shitty Inbox: Manhattan Avenue Park Squat Gets A New Addition

(Or: Greenpoint At Long Last Gets Some Affordable Housing!)

Laura (who the above photographs earlier this afternoon) writes:

The homeless camp at Manhattan Ave St. End Park is expanding. There’s a tent, laundry in the tree, and a small covered ditch which I suspect is the toilet.


Miss Heather


5 Comments on From The New York Shitty Inbox: Manhattan Avenue Park Squat Gets A New Addition

  1. eaglestreeter on Mon, 16th Aug 2010 3:56 pm
  2. You know who’s living in that tent, don’t ya? Your boy the poet…the african american dude with the hat and guitar and such..I can’t remember his name. I think the underwear might belong to the Polish residents but that tent definitely belongs to your boy.

  3. missheather on Mon, 16th Aug 2010 4:04 pm
  4. Ziiggy? If so, that’s kind of surprising. He was living in the place formerly known as the Greenpoint Hotel. Are you perhaps, talking about Philip? I ask because as far as I know he does not play guitar.

  5. eaglestreeter on Tue, 17th Aug 2010 11:01 am
  6. The very same. I’m there every morning and evening walking the pup and I’ve seen him coming in and out of it. I’m of two minds on the park camping thing. On the one hand, I’m a rule stickler and it irks me when people break rules. On the same hand, it’s public space meant for all of us to enjoy and when there’s an improvised latrine, under wear in a tree, refused including human waste, and various clumps of belongings all over the place it cannot be enjoyed by all. On the OTHER hand, far be it from me to deprive anyone in need of a place to sleep and take comfort, particularly since the community that existed before I arrived seems to tolerate it.

  7. missheather on Tue, 17th Aug 2010 12:36 pm
  8. Now that is interesting: as far as I know he rents a room at the Greenpoint Hotel too. Did he get kicked out or is this some kind of “Waldenesque” experiment? In any case, now I am going to keep an eye for him and ask what gives.

  9. Camping In Brooklyn « Scouting NY on Mon, 30th Aug 2010 11:18 pm
  10. […] I did not find any campfire ashes or s’mores remnants in the area. In fact, got word of the tent squatter back in April, which means he’s been camping out for more than […]

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