Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Loren

I have a confession to make: both the Mister and myself were completely taken by surprise when we encountered this: a grand opening for the newest business to grace the Garden Spot, Loren. Here’s what I have found via the Interwebs about this establishment:

The options out there for denim are, to put it mildly, many. Endless cuts, colors, washes, selvages—the prospect of navigating it all is enough to keep you in your oldest pair forever. But at his new shop, LOREN, opening tomorrow in Greenpoint, LIPS jeans designer Loren Cronk has simplified the options and is offering them all at one denim-obsessed store. LOREN is the launching pad for Cronk’s three new brands—Soldier & Brave, Melody, and BLKSMTH—each of which comprises a limited number of styles, and together run the price gamut from cheap to expensive, the better to suit anyone and everyone…

Anyone out there have anything to add? If so please share via email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com or via comments. I’d love it hear it!

Miss Heather


One Comment on Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Loren

  1. feinsodville on Fri, 30th Jul 2010 1:12 pm
  2. It’s open already? I just walked by there on Wednesday night, and they were still painting at around 9:00 p.m. Good for them.

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