Quicklink: Two Greenpoint Rapes

Yes folks, that’s two rapes in one week. The most recent one came to pass in the much-beleaguered McCarren Park womens bathroom. Read it and weep.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again: PLEASE be careful when you’re out and about. Especially around McCarren Park and if you’ve been drinking. Yes, the 94th Precinct is among one of the safest in New York City— but that doesn’t mean this sort of thing doesn’t happen here. It does. Don’t become a statistic.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Special thanks goes out to Queens Crap for bringing this item to my attention.


3 Comments on Quicklink: Two Greenpoint Rapes

  1. SpillConspirator on Tue, 29th Jun 2010 5:22 pm
  2. Statistics are only as good as the agency setting the parameters of the study.

  3. bleibtreu on Thu, 1st Jul 2010 5:46 pm
  4. And the best way to “become a statistic” is to engage in risky behaviors. In these two cases, specifically, (a) getting drunk with some stranger you meet in a park at night, and (b) being a prostitute.

    Please, my friends male or female, use some common sense.

  5. missheather on Thu, 1st Jul 2010 7:41 pm
  6. While I am in total agreement about high risk behavior I think it is important to note that the rape at McCarren did not come to pass at some ungodly hour of the night: it happened at 8:30 p.m. This begs the question as to whether or not anyone noticed what was going on or called it in. This is rather scary if you ask me. As for prostitution on Meeker I have to wonder if Sgt Dougherty Park was where this woman was picked up. The last time I walked by there it looked like it was being used as a “pick up” place. I saw a woman in a bikini sunbathing there hop into a semi that pulled up on June 22nd. You have to wonder what THAT was about. No one hangs out at this park.

    In any case, my heartfelt wishes go out to both of these woman, their loved ones and their families. “High risk” behavior or not, they didn’t deserve this.

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