News On The Bed Bug Front

March 30, 2008 by
Filed under: Bushwick, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


HPD will be visiting Greenpoint May 6 to give a two hour seminar about the pernicious vermin afflicting a lot of people in New York City: bed bugs. The purpose of this gathering is as follows:

  1. What are bed bugs?
  2. Are bed bugs dangerous?
  3. How do you know your home is infested with bedbugs?
  4. How can you get rid of bedbugs safely?*
  5. What are some bedbug myths?

Points #1-3: As my comrade to the south piquantly stated:

Hm, I thought the idea was to avoid infestations.

BushwickBK is entitled to his opinion. As am I— and I politely (and rationally) beg to differ. One cannot avoid infestations if he/she does not know what to look for— and the sad fact of the matter is most people don’t.

Which brings me to point #5: Bed bugs do not care about your socio/economic/ethnic status. Gay, straight or bi, they’ll happily dine upon anyone who gives them the opportunity. Even if you own a condo and speak English as a first language.

The HPD bed bug workshop in Greenpoint will be conducted May 6, 2008 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m at…

The Greenpoint Reformed Church
136 Milton Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222
R.S.V.P: (212) 863-8830

In closing there’s a new bed bug wailing wall online. It is called New York vs. Bed Bugs. Last week I was asked by a reporter why I cared so much about the bed bug problem in my neighborhood. My answer was a very simple (and selfish) one:

I do not want to get them.

I know far too many people who have (and continue) to go through the utter hell of exterminating these creatures. An ounce of prevention is worth several months (and hundreds of dollars) worth of cure. Call and R.S.V.P. today.

Miss Heather

*Point #4: Yesterday evening I listened to two men on the G train (at the Clinton-Washington stop) discuss bed bugs. One advised spraying them with Lysol because (and I quote):

That slows them down.

His counterpart said he found one on his mattress, sprayed it with alcohol and then applied heat with a blow drier.

Um, that sounds kind of dangerous.


2 Comments on News On The Bed Bug Front

  1. al oof on Sun, 30th Mar 2008 12:14 pm
  2. that guy makes no sense (bushwick bk). preventing infestation -is- avoiding infestation.

  3. nobugs on Mon, 31st Mar 2008 9:20 pm
  4. Hey Heather!

    You have exactly the right idea.

    Everyone in NYC (if not everywhere) needs to learn all they can: what bed bugs look like, how to search a hotel room (or friend’s bed!) for them, how to avoid them, and what to do if the worst happens and your home is infested.

    Thanks for linking to and getting the word out!

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