Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Rock & Grow High School

(Or, Looking Good In The Neighborhood!)

I’ve noticed a number of changes at Greenpoint’s very own Automotive High School over the years. First there were musicals (Guys & Dolls). Last year they started a garden. That was pretty cool— but it is nothing in comparison to what they have created this year!

Raised beds with every imaginable herb, fruit and vegetable imaginable. Pumpkins, tomatoes, sage; you name it!

What I particularly adored was the furniture these youths created to accompany this much-needed (re)greening of Greenpoint. The above bench reads: AUTOHS.

And a rocker fit for a queen.

Or perhaps a king? In any case I cannot do justice to what this creation. See it for yourself!

Automotive High School Garden
50 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Rock & Grow High School

  1. Xris (Flatbush Gardener) on Thu, 24th Jun 2010 6:59 am
  2. That IS awesome! The furniture is great, but probably gets a little hot in that full sun. The open ends of the metal parts will provide shelter and habitat for small creatures.

  3. missheather on Thu, 24th Jun 2010 1:16 pm
  4. You really should see it in person. It is ENORMOUS. It looks like they’re setting up a nice little picnic area adjacent to it too. In any case, I am eager for harvest time because as I understand it they sell their goodies to the public!

  5. lottieda on Thu, 24th Jun 2010 9:21 pm
  6. It is true, they do sell their produce to people passing by on the street. Last year I bought two big bunches of arugula from them – it was delicious.

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