Found In Greenpoint: A Kitty

This item comes courtesy of a lady named Maya, the proprietress of Le Grenier. She writes:

Hi — wondering if any of you North Brooklyners have seen signs for a missing orange cat?

One has just appeared in my garden and she’s definitely a lost family pet — very friendly, cuddly and charming, clean and seems to have been well fed / cared for.

I’m giving her food, water & friendly ministrations but am not sure how long she’ll stay back there (no clue how she even got in, it’s completely enclosed) and I can’t bring her inside (our Galileo is FeLV+) so I’m hoping to track down her owners quickly.

If you know who this handsome lady belongs to— or are interested in giving her a forever home— please shoot Maya an email at maya (at) legrenier (dot) com.


Miss Heather


4 Comments on Found In Greenpoint: A Kitty

  1. vealer on Tue, 22nd Jun 2010 8:50 pm
  2. put thta puss in a box and send her to me, looks like a short hair FRED RIP , 16 year old kitty

  3. bklyn74 on Wed, 23rd Jun 2010 12:56 pm
  4. Liono from your lost kitty post? Hard to tell from just the pix.

  5. missheather on Wed, 23rd Jun 2010 3:44 pm
  6. Nope. One’s a boy and the other’s a girl.

  7. pollisp on Thu, 24th Jun 2010 10:40 pm
  8. I was riding my bike on Leonard Street between Skillman and Conselyea on June 22, and sadly, there was a dead ginger cat on the street, similar to the cat in the photo. I feel terrible passing on this news if it is indeed the cat in question.

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