Crosstown Local Photos Du Jour, Part II: Absolutly

The more eagle-eyed among you probably noticed that the poster next to this solicitation is for Absolut Brooklyn. A Spike Lee “collaboration”. If my travels today on the humble Crosstown Local are any indication, dear readers, Mr. Lee and Absolut have “collaborated”— in the truest Vichy sense of the word— to thoroughly saturate this humble subway line (and Greenpoint, for that matter) with advertisements for this product. Much to the amusement and curiousity of my fellow Garden Spotters. Some of whom are under 30 years of age and have sense.

After witnessing the two above ladies giggling and pointing at this advertisement I initiated a conversation with them. I feel it is my responsibility as a Greenpoint blogger to gauge my community’s reaction to this product.

Me: Apple and ginger infused vodka. You know, because this neighborhood needs more vodka like it needs a hole in its head.
Ladies: Have you tried it?
Me: No, it sounds downright awful. There’s got to be at least 80 different kinds of vodka for sale around here. I am certain a better product can be had. I am partial towards Luksusowa myself.
Ladies: (laughter)

And with that the G train arrived and we were whisked away to our respective destinations.

Miss Heather

P.S.: If the folks at Luksusowa (which is not only the winner of four gold medals but also is “non-allergenic”!) are reading this you can send all swag and checks made out to “cash”  to:


Just kidding. I already have a Flipcam. It has Hello Kitty on it. That’s about the best thing that can be said about it. In all seriousness:

  1. If a business wants to access my readership they purchase an advertisement. My editorial content is not for sale.
  2. Exactly what constitutes “non-allergenic” vodka? Thoughts anyone?


6 Comments on Crosstown Local Photos Du Jour, Part II: Absolutly

  1. AlleyCat on Wed, 16th Jun 2010 5:55 pm
  2. Luksusowa (a great vodka at an unbeatable price I must say) is made from potato, rather than wheat. The way I understand it, people who require a gluten-free diet are able to drink potato vodka without adverse reactions.

  3. missheather on Wed, 16th Jun 2010 6:10 pm
  4. AH!

  5. nbenford on Wed, 16th Jun 2010 8:18 pm
  6. It would look like vodka causes allergic reactions, judging by how much vodka and vomit lines the exit to the Nassau G.

  7. missheather on Wed, 16th Jun 2010 8:27 pm
  8. Yes, nbedford, but just imagine if that vomit was ginger-infused! Maybe the perfume would cover up the creeky stinky/sewage aroma that usually inhabits this station!

  9. feinsodville on Thu, 17th Jun 2010 12:26 pm
  10. I’m neither defending nor slamming Spike Lee for shilling vodka, but he’s been doing commercially/advertisey stuff for quite a while. Remember the Nike commercials he did as soon as She’s Gotta Have It came out? They were pretty ubiquitous for a while back in the whenever it was. Mid-80’s? And he either has or had his own division of BBDO.

    Also, while Absolut Brooklyn sounds totally wretched, mixing apple juice and vodka is a traditional Polish drink. Or so I’m told by a Polish friend of mine from the neighborhood. Not sure where Absolut got the ginger from, though.

  11. missheather on Fri, 18th Jun 2010 3:25 pm
  12. The issue as far as I and a number of other people are concerned is the non-disclosure of swag. This is not only unethical but it is also illegal.

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