Reader Contribution Du Jour: The McCarren Park Ladies Restroom Goes High Tech

It’s been awhile since the I have revisited the matter of the deplorable state of McCarren Park’s “comfort stations“. This is in some part because I have been busy. But mostly it is because it grosses me out. Big time.

Soap scum on the soap holder.

Nothing new here.

The “Caution” tape has been removed.

Yet there still appears to be a problem.

But we have a spiffy new eco-friendly and awareness-raising hand drier!

I can only imagine what’s next. Educational bidets perhaps? I can only hope so. They’d be a fount of knowledge!

Miss Heather

P.S.: Special props go to Laura Hofmann for these pix. The stagnant water in the bucket shot literally made me gag. And I have seen a lot of serious nasty shit in my time. Mazel tov!


One Comment on Reader Contribution Du Jour: The McCarren Park Ladies Restroom Goes High Tech

  1. no no on Sat, 12th Jun 2010 9:21 pm
  2. The Xlerator dryers are great! The one at Kellogg’s Diner is so powerful that the airflow blows t.p. bits and stray pubes up into your face when the current hits the floor. In the McCarren bathrooms it should bless you with a fine mist of refreshing urine if it is good and strong. Do NOT stand in a puddle of it and touch the fixture at the same time, for safety’s sake.

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