Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Mixed Signals

So what do you think this space will be:

  1. A supermarket?
  2. A medical clinic?
  3. An auto supply store?
  4. All the above?

Please tender your votes via comments.

Miss Heather

P.S.: I’m hoping for “the above”.


2 Comments on Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Mixed Signals

  1. FishBiscuits on Tue, 8th Jun 2010 4:36 pm
  2. That place still isn’t finished? I used to live near there a year ago and I really wanted a close supermarket and it had the same “coming soon” sign.
    My guess is it’s a small grocery store that also sells random non-food things. Also the “medical clinic” sign is really throwing me off. Surely they’re not going to put a doctor’s office in there but this is Brooklyn and I wouldn’t put anything past them.

  3. neighborhood threat on Wed, 9th Jun 2010 1:55 pm
  4. It hasn’t been finished for five years now.

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