LAST GASP: Apologies

The McCarren Park womens “comfort station” is looking a little more than worse for wear after this holiday weekend.* Special thanks goes out to Laura Hofmann for sharing this photographic evidence of what happens when you have a Parks Administrator who is more interested in throwing concerts than effecting actual, positive change in our public parks.

Miss Heather

*Apparently this public lavatory has been in the above-depicted state of disrepair since Saturday, May 29, 2010. In the morning. (see comments) For those of you keeping count this makes three days.


4 Comments on LAST GASP: Apologies

  1. fitzshannon on Tue, 1st Jun 2010 1:33 pm
  2. I’m not sure when these pictures were taken, but I can assure you that the state of the comfort station was not the result of a busy long holiday weekend. I was at the park with my daughter Saturday morning and due to a Dunkin Donuts iced coffee binge I had to visit this restroom twice and it looked exactly as depicted, except that the first time I went in the toilet was in desperate need of flushing.

  3. missheather on Tue, 1st Jun 2010 1:42 pm
  4. The photos were taken yesterday. That’s really disgusting— AND INEXCUSABLE!

  5. SpillConspirator on Tue, 1st Jun 2010 11:35 pm
  6. I received a message today from one of the Parks Managers, who stated that the toilet would be cleaned up right away. I know that he is responsible and keeps his word.
    The basic problem however is that toilets are not the Parks Administrator’s priority. Water, toilets, trash … should come first.

    It seems to me, that the Parks Administrator has the time to harass community gardens and collect parks fees, but not enough time to make sure toilets are in working order.
    Likewise, the Parks Administrator has the time for photo ops and art programming in Greenpoint Playground, but not enough time to dedicate to getting the parkhouse with toilet built. (DEP transferred the funding to Parks a long time ago)

  7. missheather on Tue, 1st Jun 2010 11:51 pm
  8. And let us not forget: having a “top secret” meeting in a bar (That being Enid’s) located a block away from the festering bathroom in question the afternoon (the meeting in question started at 4:00 p.m. and ran for 2 1/2 hours) of May 29. Instead of tending to this crapper— which I would presume to be her responsibility as our Parks Administrator, Ms. Thayer saw fit to use her time defending the honor of and extolling the benefits OSA (for one hours) and trying to dissuade the group she was meeting with from re-instating their status as a Green Thumb Garden.

    Who does our joint Parks Administrator/Parks Advocate work for? Really?

    Oh yeah, toilets don’t make money (or sexy bylines— yet) concerts and events do.

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