Reflections Upon Gentrification: #1 Of The Greenpoint 10

March 12, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

All too often as I sit at this computer and listen to the bang banging of Magic Johnson’s silver hammers I find myself worrying about my neighborhood’s future:

Will the developers succeed turning the glory that is Greenpoint into yet another bland affluent ghetto?

Twenty years from now will I find myself explaining to my own children, or more likely SOMEONE ELSE’S children, that there was a time when The Garden Spot on the Universe not only did not suck, but had personality? I certainly hope not.

The previous are both very good questions. And today I found a glimmer of hope that the character of our neighborhood— or more accurately the characters who reside therein— are quite alive and well.


Never seen male pattern baldness paired with pigtails, you say? Come on down to Manhattan Avenue. We got it. Take that gentrification!

Pigtails Back

What’s more, we don’t need any tony, overpriced Bedford Avenue boutiques telling us how to dress. We can coordinate our jackets, sweat pants, mini skirts, purses and hairdos just fine on our own, thank you very much.

Viva La Punta Verde!

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 4:52 p.m.: I have since learned this person is quite the fashion plate. G-Point writes:

This man lives but a few doors down from me. Just last week, while waiting for the B61 bus, my husband and I saw him in front of Lite Bites wearing – I kid you not – a Catholic schoolgirl-style plaid skirt and black tights. A couple of years ago, we saw him emerge from his apartment to take the garbage out in NOTHING BUT GRANNY UNDERWEAR.

God I love Greenpoint!


10 Comments on Reflections Upon Gentrification: #1 Of The Greenpoint 10

  1. G-Point on Wed, 12th Mar 2008 1:47 pm
  2. Dear Miss Heather,

    This man lives but a few doors down from me. Just last week, while waiting for the B61 bus, my husband and I saw him in front of Lite Bites wearing – I kid you not – a Catholic schoolgirl-style plaid skirt and black tights. A couple of years ago, we saw him emerge from his apartment to take the garbage out in NOTHING BUT GRANNY UNDERWEAR.

  3. missheather on Wed, 12th Mar 2008 1:51 pm
  4. I weep at this man’s genius. Wouldn’t want to see him in granny panties, though. Methinks I’ll have to buy Mr. Heather a few skirts. Maybe a cheerleader uniform with pom poms?

  5. rowan on Wed, 12th Mar 2008 2:48 pm
  6. granny manties! i admire this guy. what derring-do.

  7. missheather on Wed, 12th Mar 2008 2:52 pm
  8. Wouldn’t that be GRAMPTIES?

  9. rowan on Wed, 12th Mar 2008 7:46 pm
  10. HA HA HA HA! grampties…and i think if you dressed Mr. Heather in a cheerleader outfit, he would look like Benny Hill.

  11. Tony From Kent Street on Thu, 13th Mar 2008 7:12 am
  12. There are several transexuals in greenpoint. I’ve had the pleasure at getting smiles from at least two of them more than once. Maybe I’m a tranny-magnet, who knows. What’s this about “Mr. Heather”?

  13. jake_tuff on Thu, 13th Mar 2008 7:14 am
  14. Why not leave the guy alone instead of chasing him down the street snapping pictures?

  15. sooper on Thu, 13th Mar 2008 8:28 am
  16. This specimen had a crush on a little girl back in the early nineties (she was about 7 at the time) he changed his name to hers and became more increasingly more digged out in his women’s clothing. (The pigtails were ALWAYS there) He used to wear a girl scout uniform. I am pretty certain he had a sex change operation – paid for by our tax $$ , and was definitely sporting a sizable “rack” for a while before ebbing back to maleness.. I am glad to see he’s back in pink, and urge you to keep your eyes peeled for the green uniform, white knee socks and all.
    Love your site, its the greenpoint I grew up with and thought I missed.

  17. talknormal on Fri, 14th Mar 2008 7:29 am
  18. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure U.S. tax dollars have never paid for anyone to have sex reassignment surgery.

  19. missheather on Fri, 14th Mar 2008 7:32 am
  20. I agree. What’s more, even if they do— who cares? Our government spends money on much more foolish endeavors.

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