New York Shitty Videos Du Jour: Cute Overload

As you can see in the above photographs Jerzy’s eyes are clearing up and he looks a bit tired. I can assure you this is not his normal waking state. This afternoon Jerzy was quite busy chasing the other cats around the apartment, chasing himself and of course waging war with a hair scrunchie. Follows are some highlights from his afternoon “play session”. Enjoy!

CAVEAT: the following video is mind-numbingly cute. Seriously.

I cannot for the life of me understand why someone threw this little fella away like so much trash. Jerzy is quite an amazing little man. I have no doubt he will make someone’s household a lot more lively with his antics. Maybe yours?

Miss Heather


4 Comments on New York Shitty Videos Du Jour: Cute Overload

  1. rowan on Tue, 25th May 2010 6:53 pm
  2. i don’t get it either. he is in good hands now. what a funny little guy!

  3. AlleyCat on Tue, 25th May 2010 9:33 pm
  4. I get so excited every time you post new pictures of Jerzy! Ah!

  5. Rebecca11222 on Tue, 25th May 2010 9:49 pm
  6. That is one awesome cat! Mr. Personality!

  7. mother-in-law on Wed, 26th May 2010 11:05 am
  8. He is so cute. We are really enjoying watching videos of him. It is a good thing we live far away as we would be tempted to add a young one to our two old cats.

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