Lost: Small White Fluffy Dog

March 4, 2008 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Anyone who has walked down Manhattan Avenue today has probably noticed a large number of lost dog fliers have been posted. In fact, between Java Street and Greenpoint Avenue they can be found approximately every fifteen feet.

Lost Dog Fliers Manhattan Avenue

For those of you who have yet to see these missives they look like this…

Lost Dog


Lost near C-Town

and this.

Pu Polsku

Before I proceed, let it be known that being an animal person myself, I have nothing but the utmost sympathy for someone who has lost a pet. The previous having been said (or in this case, written), I do have to wonder what kind of person would honestly believe the above illustration and descriptive phrase “fluffy white” is going to be helpful in getting his (or her) dog back. In any case as luck would have it the above question was answered when I made a right turn onto Greenpoint Avenue.

Small White Fluffy Dog Owner

In all seriousness folks, there are people in this borough whose livelihood is stealing dogs (small pure breds) and selling them. Please do not leave your dog unattended. What you might (not) find when you come out from the laundromat or grocery store will be no laughing matter. Just ask this guy*.

Miss Heather

*If anyone has seen this small fluffy dog or know of its whereabouts (I am presuming he/she was taken Sunday, March 2), please contact his (or her) owner. He is clearly heartbroken. Thanks.


4 Comments on Lost: Small White Fluffy Dog

  1. marvis on Tue, 4th Mar 2008 7:50 am
  2. You said ” That having been said, I do have to wonder what kind of person would think the above illustration and the descriptive phrase “fluffy white” is going to be helpful in getting his (or her) dog back.”

    Well from the looks of the person and the fact that one of the signs is in Polish I would gather that the person who lost the dog is in fact, Polish. As you know a lot of our Polish neighbours do not exactly speak the best English so “white fluffy” may either be the best they can do with English or a good transliteration of something useful in Polish.

  3. missheather on Tue, 4th Mar 2008 7:53 am
  4. I was being coy, Marvis. I have lived here long enough to know better. 😉 It still would be very helpful had he added a picture to his flier. I feel sorry for the guy.

  5. zoya on Tue, 4th Mar 2008 8:18 am
  6. Speaking of “white fluffy” maybe being a translation of something useful in Polish. The Polish version of the note just says “white” and is silent on “fluffy” or any other characteristics of the dog.

  7. missheather on Tue, 4th Mar 2008 8:24 am
  8. Yeah, come to think of it the dog’s gender would be helpful.

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