From The New York Shitty Inbox: The Vet Speaks!

Remember that post I wrote about a veterinarian opening shop on Nassau Avenue? Well, today I received an email from the vet himself. His name is Brad Seaman and he is a very nice guy.

Officially: you are the first press I’ve gotten and I love that its coming from a blog founded on mapping dog crap  🙂  Hi – I’m Brad, the guy starting Greenpoint Veterinary Hospital.  I should be opening within a few weeks, just tying up some loose ends with equipment and whatnot.  I’m from Cincinnati, OH and have been practicing for 5 years.  My first veterinary job was in Southampton, NY, ( and I stayed there for two years.  Great first job, exciting place to live, famous clients (accidentally slammed the door on Jon Stewart as I was going into a deli once)…but not the kind of area where I wanted to live long term.  After that I moved back to Cincinnati to join my dad (also a vet) at his hospital ( – my picture is still up on the main page, tall guy all the way on the right.  Stayed in Cincinnati for 3 years and had a great time working with my dad, but took a vacation to Brooklyn several months ago to visit friends from vet school and fell in love with this part of town.  And a friend made me realize the need for vet care in this area and gave me a ton of advice on starting a clinic.  So here I am…

And on a completely unrelated note: know anyone who’d be interested in doing an animal themed graffiti on the clinic security gate?

I know damned well that the Garden Spot sports some of the most mad-talented people to be found. Let’s trick out this burglar gate with style! If you are interested in helping Brad with this endeavor— or know someone who is— shoot me an email at missheather (at) newyorkshitty (dot) com. I will gladly forward your inquiries. Thanks!

Miss Heather


3 Comments on From The New York Shitty Inbox: The Vet Speaks!

  1. rachelg on Thu, 1st Apr 2010 5:54 pm
  2. awesome! welcome to the neighborhood, brad!

  3. coldjalapeno on Mon, 5th Apr 2010 4:28 pm
  4. I am so grateful for a new vet in the neighborhood, welcome indeed!!!

  5. missheather on Mon, 5th Apr 2010 4:34 pm
  6. Love your screen name, coldjalapeno. Jalapenos figure prominently in my “food pyramid”!

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