Chez Shitty Critter Watch: He’s BAAAAACK!

February 22, 2010 by
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


The non-cat the Mister and I call “Rocky Raccoon” made an unexpected appearance last night— or more accurately— this morning. 5:15 a.m. to be precise. The ruckus was enough to wake the Mister. This is no small achievement. I write this as someone who some experience in this matter. Needless to say when he called me into the bedroom and I noticed all the felines staring out the window with rapt interest I knew I had clearly missed out on something very special.

Inasmuch as I can ascertain (I had the presence of mind to grab the Maglite but not my camera) Rocky was whaling on some fellow varmint. The shrill utterances I heard would certainly indicate this. Needless to say I will investigate/document this matter later. IN DAYLIGHT.

Otherwise, I was disappointed “Rocky” didn’t feast on the shit-filled diaper outside our bedroom window. It’s been there for two months. I guess Rocky has developed more effete tastes.

Miss Heather


4 Comments on Chez Shitty Critter Watch: He’s BAAAAACK!

  1. Xris (Flatbush Gardener) on Mon, 22nd Feb 2010 7:05 am
  2. I hope you don’t see your visitors in daylight, an indication of a possibly rabid raccoon.

  3. missheather on Mon, 22nd Feb 2010 2:24 pm
  4. You and me both. You should have heard the noise. He (she) was kicking the shit out of something. It was actually kind of scary.

  5. d on Mon, 22nd Feb 2010 3:29 pm
  6. At least your neighbor refrained from throwing more eggs. Gross.

  7. rowan on Wed, 24th Feb 2010 9:24 pm
  8. Raccoons can be really vicious when they fight. Eeeek. Keep your cats away from it.

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