From The New York Times: Vindication…

(Or at least proof)

The ‘Burgificaction’ of McCarren Park pisses me off in a big, BIG way. I was reminded of this yesterday. So as to clear up any confusion as to the provenance of the McCarren Park Pool I offer you this: an article from the August 1, 1936 edition of the New York Times. Our city’s ostensible newspaper of record.

Political bosses in Brooklyn are a dime a dozen. History (thankfully) forgets most of them— but not the  “Prince of Garden Spot of The World” AKA: Peter J. McGuinness! A well known (if reviled) thoroughfare hereabouts bears his name. If it wasn’t for Mr. McGuinness’s chicanery, political savvy* and charm Williamsburgers wouldn’t have a pool in which to party (or piss).

In, I repeat,


Miss Heather

P.S.: How can you not love a guy who says this (about a brief sojourn in “the south”):

I don’t like that Jim Crow they got or their goddam white crow either.

*His career survived the Seabury hearings.


One Comment on From The New York Times: Vindication…

  1. Rebecca11222 on Sat, 20th Feb 2010 10:12 pm
  2. or piss “near.” I wonder when the city will start picking up the discarded bottles of cabbie and trucker urine that constantly line the skate park/ pool’s circumference. Probably when stroller moms take their kids for a swim (which they are doing because the most recent Tibetan nanny quit), put 2 & 2 together, and notice that the Emperor has no clothes. No clothes, but PLENTY OF “VITAMIN WATER.”

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