The Calyer Street Bike Bandit Strikes Again!

Remember the reader email I posted on January 25 about a fellow Greenpointer having not one, BUT TWO, bicycles stolen last weekend? Well, it would appear they have struck again. Per my Calyer Street tipster:

i don’t know who’s letting them in, so it has to be delivery something, or someone who works for the landlady.

i am having my brother in law put the new lock in TOMORROW.

First off, I want to tender my sincerest sympathies to my Calyer Street compadre. Knowing that a thief has been in your apartment building is disturbing enough. The fact he (or she, I suppose) had the chutzpah to come back— or worse—- someone else has taken to pillaging on your private property is even worse! While I realize this may be cold comfort to this individual, I want to reiterate that the 94th Precinct is registering bicycles. This service is totally free and will make tracking down your ride much easier in the event (god forbid) it is stolen. You can get the contact information for the woman spearheading this effort by clicking here (look at the second to last paragraph).

Miss Heather


2 Comments on The Calyer Street Bike Bandit Strikes Again!

  1. MaineBarnCat on Fri, 29th Jan 2010 6:56 pm
  2. I think you said it best in the earlier post, Miss H. Bring the bike inside the apartment. Try to think of it as an objet d’art, if you must.

  3. Greenpoint on Sat, 30th Jan 2010 12:45 pm
  4. I saw a guy riding a bike while pushing another around Greepoint Ave Friday 01/29/10 around 4 pm. He was a tall blond guy with glasses and bohemian cap on( one with hanging sides)

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