Another Item From The New York Shitty Inbox: Best Christmas Lights in Greenpoint?

December 23, 2009 by
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 
peaceTHUMBJack writes:
Hi Miss Heather,
I’ve been subscribing to your blog for quite a while – I think you do an excellent job, really enjoy your posts. I’m eating dinner at Lomzynianka tonight and wanted to walk by some xmas lights afterward. What’s your suggestion on a ‘greatest hits’ of holiday lights in Greenpoint? Thanks a lot and keep up the great work.
Thanks for the kind words, Jack! I assure you they are much appreciated! That said, here are my recommendations:
  1. 648 Humboldt Street
  2. 97 Russell Street
  3. 57 Franklin Street
  4. Oak Street (all of it)
  5. Huron Street has two great houses: one is between Manhattan and McGuinness, the other is between Manhattan and Franklin. Trust me, you’ll know them when you see them.
  6. Hausman Street just north of Meeker Avenue
  7. And of course, there’s the El Blablazo Community Christmas tree (which graces this post). This can be found on Manhattan Avenue between Eagle and Dupont Street.
Have a delicious dinner and enjoy the holiday extravaganza, Jack! Speaking for myself I will be taking it easy. I have a very ambitious Christmas dinner to prepare. Last night I made vegetable stock and tomatillo sauce. I am pleased to announce no one was hurt!

Miss Heather


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