From The New York Shitty Inbox: More Ado About Tree Poop


My buddy Bitchcakes (who took the above photograph) writes in an email entitled “UGH”:

Have you seen this craptacular mess on the Pulaski Bridge? I don’t know when it went up, but I saw it today and I HATE IT!!!!!

To answer your question, yes I have seen this “craptacular mess”. It would appear a number of people have. Many have questions about it, but few seem to like it. Blair comments (in this post I published November 19):

Well, I got an answer sooner than anticipated. After repeated calls to 311 and cruising the DOT website, I was lucky enough to look out my window and see the grafitti artist/stencil man at work on the south end of the Pulaski Bridge. I asked him if he and his gang of artists were also responsible for the wood bench tabletop gymnasium. He said yes. I asked how long it will remain up. He said 11 months. He asked if i liked it. I said I did not because it is cumbersome looking and looks as if only a person two feet tall could sit on it comfortably. But, I noted, others did like it. His response, “Well, that’s the point. You either like it or you don’t.”

So, there you go, the mystery of tree poop solved.



So there have you. For more reading about this piece of public art (and the testament to ineptitude that is the Pulaski bike lane “plan”) I heartily encourage you to read Restless’s post on the subject. You can do so by clicking here.

Miss Heather


4 Comments on From The New York Shitty Inbox: More Ado About Tree Poop

  1. no no on Fri, 27th Nov 2009 8:44 pm
  2. I still like it. To each his own.

  3. missheather on Fri, 27th Nov 2009 9:46 pm
  4. I don’t really have a problem with it either save the fact it is in some part “window dressing”, e.g.; a piece of public art gracing a pedestrian/bicycle pathway that is a farce.

  5. bitchcakes on Sat, 28th Nov 2009 12:20 pm
  6. I just saw it on the cover of the Greenpoint Star, featured on page 22. The same guy did the stencils. I *love* the stencils but I really hate this big clunky ugly structure. I can’t believe it’s going to be up there for a year!

  7. Tony From Kent Street on Sun, 29th Nov 2009 9:26 pm
  8. I liked it when i saw it, too. It’s an ugly little bridge, anyways.

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