Crosstown Local Photo du Jour: Rebuttal

Remember the post I wrote last week grousing about Bloomberg inundating the G train with advertisements designed to ingratiate himself to the Latino community? Well, he got a response. En Espanol. At the Greenpoint Avenue stop of the Crosstown Local.


Translation per

I will not vote for that bastard* Bloomberg.

Miss Heather

*I was always under the impression the word “maricon” meant something else. While I do not condone the homophobic message that comes with using such a word, you know what they say:

It’s the thought that counts.


4 Comments on Crosstown Local Photo du Jour: Rebuttal

  1. ms nomer on Tue, 20th Oct 2009 9:51 pm
  2. Since it’s “maricon DE Bloomberg” I wonder if this is a slam at the Mayor’s father?!

  3. missheather on Tue, 20th Oct 2009 9:59 pm
  4. I too was a little confused by the syntax. However, I grew up learning “Tex-Mex”— so who knows? Either way the message is more or less the same.

  5. drlover6996 on Wed, 21st Oct 2009 12:27 am
  6. Maricon has a different meaning then bastard.

  7. missheather on Wed, 21st Oct 2009 12:41 am
  8. I have noted this in my post. I do not like how this missive was delivered, but the message rings true. Bloomberg has done nothing for the Latinos in my community— save perhaps being forced to move somewhere else because they were inconvenient. For his vision of north Brooklyn.

    These advertisements make me sick.

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