Greenpoint Halloween Watch: Fun On Freeman

Since today was slightly less abysmal than yesterday weather-wise I decided to stroll around the upper-alphabets (READ: Ash through Freeman Street). It was on Freeman between Franklin and West that I found a most spooky house!




Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!




I suppose it goes without saying that Halloween is yours truly’s favorite holiday. It would appear to be a favorite of my fellow Garden Spotters as well: without argument some of the finest Halloween decor I have seen in this fair city hails from the 11222 zip code. If any of you, dear readers, stumble upon a Halloween house extraordinaire in the greater Williamspoint or Greenwick area I would be very grateful if you would share them with me (so I, in turn, can share them with our fellow north Brooklynites). Please send your sightings to:

missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com

Be sure to include an address and/or intersection.


Miss Heather


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