Crosstown Local Photo Du Jour: ENOUGH!

Not content with sending forth an army of canvassers to troll north Brooklyn on Sunday evenings to hit unsuspecting citizen’s buzzers, spewing forth enough printed material to leave a carbon footprint the size of Texas and— lest we forget— there are the never-ending television commercials; Mayor Mike has taken the good news about his run for a third term to the G train. En Espanol, no less.


For the love of god, make it stop.

Miss Heather

P.S.: The more eagle-eyed among you might recognize where this photograph of Michael Bloomberg being warm and fuzzy with the peasantry was taken. If not, I’ll tell you: Keap Street at South 3rd Street in Williamsburg. This intersection is located not too far from the infamous “Broadway Triangle”. (Insert irony points here.)


One Comment on Crosstown Local Photo Du Jour: ENOUGH!

  1. Tony From Kent Street on Fri, 16th Oct 2009 8:57 pm
  2. I’m overwhelmed with his 8.5 x 11 postcards that I’m getting every other day in the mail. Holy crap, it’s insane how many of those things are delivered. Today was a mock resume in a folder of Bill Thompson. Are all voters getting this deluge?

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