Reader Comment Du Jour: Advice For Someone DOB’d From The Sweater Factory Lofts?

October 13, 2009 by
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

239bankerMost folks (myself included) would consider the evacuation of 239 Banker Street to be yesterday’s news. However, when the following comment came to my attention today I simply had to post it here.  Action writes:

The vacate happened 3 days before I was supposed to move in. I’m working with Brooklyn Civil Court to start the process to get my money back. Does anyone know of alternative routes to take? Maybe a class action case?

I do not profess to be an attorney (or even playing one on t.v.). Although I have some tenant-landlord court experience Action’s problem is way off my radar. Does anyone have some advice or thoughts for Action? If so please leave them in the comments. Thanks!

Miss Heather


5 Comments on Reader Comment Du Jour: Advice For Someone DOB’d From The Sweater Factory Lofts?

  1. foodiej81 on Tue, 13th Oct 2009 2:46 pm
  2. So what is the story now, are people going to actually move back into this space? Or is it rendered unlivable?

  3. missheather on Tue, 13th Oct 2009 3:01 pm
  4. I don’t know, foodiej81. Truth be told I am not adverse to this being utilized as residential property (as opposed to a hotel)— provided everything is up-to-code, legal, etc. SAFE, etc. This landlord’s total lack of regard for safety of his tenants is (in my opinion) CRIMINAL. They should throw his ass in jail.

  5. lylet on Tue, 13th Oct 2009 4:39 pm
  6. A question to start – did you have a broker? If yes (and they are in fact licensed) – I would start by having a lawyer write an ‘angry’ letter to the agent and their broker of record saying that you’ll go to REBNY and NYS etc and basically ruin them. This will either get them on your side (i.e. help you get your money back since they may have an ‘in’ with the owners), or, more likely, they will simply not respond.

    If you didn’t have a broker, I would simply have a lawyer write a letter to any address for ownership that you can find on the DOB, propertyshark, etc, and cc a number of local offices/officials (including the DOB, community board, maybe the owner’s synagogue/church, basically any entity that will embarrass the owner or cause them hardship in the future).

    The bottom line really is that most landlords will ignore correspondence that is not from an attorney – the gamble, to them, is that you’ll just go away since you do not want to spend money on legal fees. If you prove that you’ll go to whatever length it takes to get money back, then they’ll be the ones not wanting to spend legal fees – and take the ‘easy route’ to cut you a check for the amount you’re owed.

  7. d on Wed, 14th Oct 2009 12:41 pm
  8. I saw people still moving stuff out of there a couple of weeks ago.

  9. rowan on Thu, 15th Oct 2009 6:47 pm
  10. I don’t know how useful this is to you, but Brooklyn Bar Association does legal referrals for any number of cases. Call them at 718 624 0843 or google them. Tell the person who answers briefly what you need (i.e., landlord/tenant dispute). They will match you up with a lawyer. The first meeting is $25 cash for about a half hour of the lawyer’s time (and yours) to discuss the pros and cons of taking on the suit. After that, should you choose to retain the lawyer’s services, you would pay his or her hourly rate. If decide you don’t want to retain, but still want an attorney, just call BBA again and ask for another referral. You aren’t obligated to hire the first attorney you are matched up with. Good luck – I hope you get your money back and soon.

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