Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Fat Boy R.I.P.

Ever since I got the sad news about Fat Boy last night I have not been able to get him off my mind. More specifically, I was wondering exactly what the fuck he is. Or perhaps that should be what he was? Anyway, I just got back from a sojourn to the Manhattan Avenue park. Sure enough, he was still there.


Wait a minute. Didn’t our local Parks guru tell me he was going to be picked up this morning?


Well, I guess it is morning somewhere. In any case it would appear that in this mortal coil Fat Boy was a gerbil…


and true to his name, he is was rather rotund.


Goodbye, little fella.

Miss Heather

UPDATE, October 8, 2009: Fat Boy has been removed— presumably by the Parks Department.


4 Comments on Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Fat Boy R.I.P.

  1. Tony From Kent Street on Wed, 7th Oct 2009 8:47 pm
  2. Are you wearing magenta pants?!

  3. missheather on Wed, 7th Oct 2009 8:50 pm
  4. Fuschia sweats— with pockets lined with fake fur. It was damned brisk today, Tony!

  5. Tony From Kent Street on Thu, 8th Oct 2009 1:35 pm
  6. Oh sweats, okay, I thought you might have been all hipstered out with some pink denim! Oh, well.

  7. rowan on Mon, 12th Oct 2009 10:14 pm
  8. actually Fat Boy looks like a hamster. note the short stubby tail. plus i used to have one that color when i was ten. either way, hamster or gerbil, RIP Fat Boy.

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