Reader Contribution Du Jour: Bows


When I stumbled this novel solution to Greenpoint’s crack problem* (which hails from Meserole Avenue and comes courtesy of Cafe Grumpy) on Flickr I simply had to post it here. So I asked for permission to use it and they were kind enough to oblige. Thanks guys (and gals!)— this really made my day!

Miss Heather

*Which appears to have been at one time a kite.


2 Comments on Reader Contribution Du Jour: Bows

  1. colormekatie on Mon, 28th Sep 2009 3:45 pm
  2. You found my Kite! I’m happy to see that part of it is still there!

  3. missheather on Mon, 28th Sep 2009 3:51 pm
  4. Now it looks like someone has “stitched up” the sidewalk. Very cute. Nice work!

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