Happy Primary Day From New York Shitty!

Yes folks, today is the big day. I suspect I speak for many when I write that —regardless of who wins what has turned out to be one of the sleaziest races for a city council seat in recent history— I’ll be delighted to simply to have the barrage of mailers and automated phones cease and online excrescences such as this* to lose their raison d’etre and vanish in a puff of irrelevance. To close on a related note, Atlantic Yards Report has written a splendid post as to why they endorse Jo Anne Simon. I strongly recommend that any and all who will hitting the primaries today to vote for the 33rd district’s next Democratic party candidate read it.

Happy voting!

Miss Heather

*Until recently these clowns were spamming the unholy bejeezus out of the CB1 Yahoo group. Here’s an example of one of their more insane tomes. Goodbye and good riddance.


3 Comments on Happy Primary Day From New York Shitty!

  1. Tony From Kent Street on Tue, 15th Sep 2009 9:55 am
  2. I think you’re the only person I know in NYC who still has a land line telephone. And a actual answering machine. That’s so cute!

  3. missheather on Tue, 15th Sep 2009 9:59 am
  4. We also have a fax machine, a teletype machine, UNIVAC, a Victrola and I am well-versed in semaphore!

    Just kidding.

  5. bitchcakes on Sun, 20th Sep 2009 5:14 pm
  6. Wow, I totally bought your comment until I saw the “just kidding”.

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