East Williamsburg Street Furniture Selections


Eviscerated on Catherine Street.


Existentialist angst on Grattan.



And antisemitism on Moore. If this is supposed to be funny or “ironic” I am not getting the joke.


Hatred is not a laughing matter.

Miss Heather

P.S.: While I am (titularly) on the subject of north Brooklyn Nazis, check this out. It is pretty intense. Special thanks go out to Amanda for bringing this to my attention.

UPDATE, 6:33 p.m.: Apparently a Facebook group has been formed to battle Greenpoint Nazi Skinheads. See the comments section for more details.


6 Comments on East Williamsburg Street Furniture Selections

  1. livunia on Wed, 9th Sep 2009 5:28 pm
  2. my name is livia chrostowska and i have been a resident of greenpoint, brooklyn for my entire lifetime.
    i am incredibly unsympathetic toward nazis and their culture.
    we have actually started a facebook group in order to further make these hateful people feel uncomfortable.


    thats the link to the group.

    these people have made numerous threats against the safety of many people that i know.
    i don’t think they belong in greenpoint, or anywhere else on this planet.

  3. livunia on Wed, 9th Sep 2009 5:29 pm
  4. i also personally know the individuals on that photo website.
    and they have contacted several people in the neighborhood who have spoken against them.

    tough times?

  5. missheather on Wed, 9th Sep 2009 5:46 pm
  6. Thank you for bringing all of this to my attention, Livunia. I just joined the Greenpoint antifascism Facebook group. Otherwise you all might find this video a neighbor of mine shot in 2007 interesting (and disgusting):


  7. NYCRhymology on Wed, 9th Sep 2009 7:48 pm
  8. Here’s some rhymology just because I couldn’t agree more with your *intolerance* of such morons: NYC Rhymology: Astor Place/The Master Race

  9. AMOJA on Thu, 10th Sep 2009 7:18 am
  10. @NYCRhymology: What does that even mean?

  11. leningrad100 on Mon, 14th Sep 2009 12:42 am
  12. hey, the nazis mentioned this blog on the Greenpoint Antifa group!
    remember kiddies, fascism is not to be debated, it is to be smashed…

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