From The New York Shitty Inbox: Endorsements?


Although I am trying to do what everyone does on Labor Day (absolutely nothing) I feel compelled to pass along this item from frequent contributor and New York Shitty reader: Tony of Kent Street. He writes:

Hello Miss Heather…

I was thinking about who I plan to vote for in the upcoming elections and had the idea that, like other news organizations, you should post the NewYorkShitty political endorsements prior to the election.

I know to the New York Post you’re just a blog, but to a lot of us, you are the voice of reason with a ton more knowledge of local politicians than many of us.

I think it may be a real service to your readers and in turn you may get others to vote for the right people for the job.

What do you say? Maybe attach a pdf to print out and bring with you to the polling place.

This is the second such inquiry I have received in as many weeks.

I have made my feelings known here and there and left it at that. I do not relish the notion of giving endorsements to anyone. I find the practice (even by so-called “respectable” publications as the New York Times) rather silly— and presumptuous. You shouldn’t let someone else do your thinking for you.

My primary concern— or bone of contention— (aside from being of the distinct impression that Williamsburg and Greenpoint have no business whatsoever belonging to the same City Council district as Brooklyn Heights, Park Slope and DUMBO*) is the sad reality that voter turn-out in north Brooklyn is abysmal. No amount of log-tossing and passing the buck (and believe you me, I have seen a lot of this lately— those of you who belong to the Community Board 1 Yahoo Group can attest to this) is going to change this fact. We, as a community, are now reaping the fruits of our apathy. To put it another way: I am more interested that people here vote at all. Who they vote for is a matter to reconcile with their own conscience.

The previous (and rather lengthy) caveat having been written, I am— reluctantly— going to solicit questions regarding the upcoming election (and its candidates) from you: the readers. These can be tendered via email at:

missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com

I’ll be accepting questions through Wednesday. From there I will do one of two things:

  1. Write a post giving my take on them. I will be as forthright and honest as can be expected about my position/bias.
  2. Compose an email (with my take) which will be sent to all who have asked questions. I will compose one answer and send it out individually so as to respect everyone’s privacy.
  3. Either way, I will also provide a list of resources you can peruse in order to make an informed decision.

As I have intimated previously in this post: no one should be entrusted to make your voting decisions except you. I will give my two cents— but please be a smart consumer and do your own research. Above all: VOTE!

Miss Heather

*Seriously. If there is to be a bi-borough district Williamsburg and Greenpoint should be in it.

Map Credits: Gotham Gazette


3 Comments on From The New York Shitty Inbox: Endorsements?

  1. walrustaco on Mon, 7th Sep 2009 6:22 pm
  2. yeah, wtf kind of gerrymandering is that?

  3. missheather on Mon, 7th Sep 2009 7:56 pm
  4. WTF indeed! The 34th (look it up) is the only joint Queens/Kings County City Council district. It (more or less) encompasses Ridgewood and Bushwick and is Vito Lopez’s playground.

  5. xdx on Fri, 11th Sep 2009 1:44 pm
  6. vote Diana Reyna .. fuck lopez and his puppet ,Maritza Davila, he is an ass.

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