11222 Theft Alert!


Although I prefer to refrain from blogging at the junk shop (the above image of the company computer’s keyboard should explain why) this just came to my attention and I wanted to pass it along ASAP. Apparently a gentleman’s car (which was parked West and Huron Street) was broken into (the lock was picked) this morning. Among the items stolen were (men’s) hockey gear: skates and a pair of mitts. These were contained in a blue plastic bag.

If anyone, dear readers, attempts to sell you anything fitting this description (presumably on the street or at one of our local parks) please bear in mind they may very well stolen property.


Miss Heather


6 Comments on 11222 Theft Alert!

  1. Tony From Kent Street on Fri, 4th Sep 2009 5:19 pm
  2. that keyboard is downright nasty!!

  3. missheather on Fri, 4th Sep 2009 5:22 pm
  4. One person (who shall not be named) likes to rearrange the keys for shits and giggles. Needless to say this has hilarious results.

  5. d on Sat, 5th Sep 2009 1:39 am
  6. Haha that looks like an old iMac keyboard, I still have one of those but it is in much better shape. 😉

  7. missheather on Sat, 5th Sep 2009 2:02 am
  8. I you would donate it I would be vary grateful. 🙂

  9. Halden on Sun, 6th Sep 2009 8:52 pm
  10. “the above image of the company computer’s keyboard should explain why”

    You don’t like Macs?

  11. missheather on Sun, 6th Sep 2009 9:00 pm
  12. Truth be told I am used to using PCs— and keyboards with all their keys.

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