Birds on a Wire

November 1, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


Perhaps I am simply slow on the uptake, but I have noticed that a flock of the above birds has taken to roosting on the phone lines of Manhattan Avenue lately. I am not complaining or anything mind you, I think they’re neat.

Birds on a wire

Besides, if the above pigeon seems A-OK with sharing this stretch of prime sitting space with this chubby little yellow companion, I say he (or she) stays.

Thoughts, anyone?

Miss Heather


4 Comments on Birds on a Wire

  1. greenpointers on Thu, 1st Nov 2007 12:56 pm
  2. Those are adorable. Much cuter than old sneakers!

  3. rexlic on Thu, 1st Nov 2007 2:52 pm
  4. I agree wholeheartedly with greenpointers; never understood the sneaker thing (also never believed the urban myth that they marked some gang slaying). But instead of pigeons, couldn’t these little fellows be doves instead? I haven’t seen them in person yet, but they seem very peaceful to me on their high wire perch in the photos.

  5. al oof on Fri, 2nd Nov 2007 1:01 am
  6. i saw one of these today. i think it was on bedford. maybe it was yesterday. maybe it wasn’t bedford. but it was cute.

    my understanding is that the shoes originally marked corners where you could find drugs. but how quickly folks started doing it just because they’d seen it somewhere else, i don’t know.

  7. Tony From Kent Street on Fri, 2nd Nov 2007 6:59 am
  8. I like the birds, regardless of bird-type. I also like the painted wooden shoes (instead of the actual shoes) in williamsburg. Small pieces of random art in random places makes my day. The people who do these things should be commended for their selfless act of beautifying their neighborhood and for not scrolling incoherent and ugly spray paint tags all over buildings (not all of it, just the hyper-non-creative shit). Thank you hipsters.

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