New York Shitty Day Ender: Danny R.I.P.

September 2, 2009 by
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

As I mentioned previously earlier today the Mister and I visited the Newtown Creek Nature Walk. When we left we decided to walk down Provost Street— and in so doing stumbled upon the site of Greenpoint’s latest auto accident.


It was not easy to miss, as Danny’s friends and loved ones have erected a sizable, heartfelt memorial to his memory. In fact, two women were busy tidying it up when we walked by. I refrained from taking photographs out of respect for their privacy. Nonetheless I found the remnants of this terrible— and possibly preventable— end of a youth man’s life incredibly disquieting.


Aside from part of a respirator laying in the tree pit, part of a windshield and discarded medical equipment laid on the sidewalk. These grotesques can be found at the intersection of Provost and Huron Street lest anyone cares to see them— but I can think of very few people who would.

It should also be noted that this was not the first serious auto accident to come to pass at this intersection this year. As some of you might recall, there was an incident there back in June. That one involved a police pursuit.

In any case, my heartfelt condolences go out to Danny’s friends and family. Their tremendous outpouring of grief at the site of his death bears testament to how very much Danny was loved in life. May he rest in peace.

Miss Heather


3 Comments on New York Shitty Day Ender: Danny R.I.P.

  1. ms nomer on Wed, 2nd Sep 2009 10:49 pm
  2. I happened by there this afternoon as well, and was deeply moved by the size of the memorial flowers, photos etc. there. I am so sorry.

  3. AMOJA on Thu, 3rd Sep 2009 2:49 pm
  4. I used to be a nice person. Now I’m not so sure. I’ve also seen this memorial, and it does show how much he is missed. But I’m having a difficult time feeling sorry for what happened, and I don’t see this as “possibly preventable.” This was ABSOLUTELY preventable. Danny wasn’t an innocent bystander in a bizarre event. He was excessively speeding (upwards of 90mph according to an account on your previous post, and even if not that much, certainly excessive judging by the wreckage photo) down a city street full of potholes. Seeing the memorial didn’t make me sad. It made me angry. There is no place for this behavior in our community, and we should be thrilled that more damage wasn’t done by his reckless actions.

  5. theblackdane on Thu, 3rd Sep 2009 8:13 pm
  6. And no mention of the other people in the car? My roommate was there moments after the crash and was the one to call 911. He told me there were two other people in the car in addition to the driver. So sad…

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