Adoptable Cutie Cavalcade!

I imagine if you’re reading this you’re not one of the fortunate many who are headed out of town for vacation this upcoming week— or you’re taking a vacation from your vacation. Either way I cannot think of a better way to while away this evening than to watch some very cute (and adoptable) kittens from none other than north Brooklyn!


Meet The Wire Kittens. First up, the ladies in the cast:







Here’s some footage of them in action.

Rhonda was shy around me when I paid her a visit— but she was not so coy with Tigger! As you will see in the following video.

Lisacat writes:

Rhonda, Kima and Zenobia were named after characters from the HBO series “The Wire” – see insets. I hope my next litter of bottle-babies are boys because there just aren’t that many prominent women on the show! These tricolor sisters were rescued as part of a TNR project in downtown Brooklyn and will be up for adoption soon.

Sure enough, this came to pass. Meet D’Angelo Barksdale

and Russell “Stringer” Bell.

These two boys hail from Bushwick. They were found at two days of age helpless and covered in flies. They have since been nursed back to health (hence the fat tummies— they just hit the bottle. Of milk, that is.)

And last— but hardly least— Greenpoint’s very own quintet of cute: “The Bountys”.


Although I have written about these fetching felines before I had never had the pleasure of making their acquaintance until recently. I was not disappointed.

Bounty and Hunter

By far the real show stoppers in this crew are Hunter (as seen at left) and Bounty. Do not let Bounty’s diminutive stature fool you: dynamite comes in small packages.

Anyone interested in giving any of the wonderful kittens the life-long vacation of a loving home can contact their foster mom, Shawn at: shawnandkenny (at) earthlink (dot) net

Other details:

  1. All these kittens have been vaccinated, treated for parasites and test negative for F.I.V. and feline leukemia.
  2. Upon adoption they will be spayed or neutered before going to their new forever homes.
  3. Lastly, these kittens will be adopted out in pairs unless there is already another cat in the home. That way they will be less lonely (and likely to get into trouble) when you’re not home!

You can see more photographs and video footage of these kittens by clicking here and here.

Miss Heather


One Comment on Adoptable Cutie Cavalcade!

  1. orangegenius on Fri, 28th Aug 2009 12:38 pm
  2. As of today, they have all been spayed and neutered. So they are 100% ready to roll. Yay!

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