Halloween Decoration Du Jour

October 24, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Inspired by the Gowanus Lounge’s daily dose of Halloween goodness, I have decided to follow his example and feature some cool Halloween decorations from right here in Greenpoint. Today’s offering hails from Leonard Street.

Headless Man

Perhaps he is contractor pooped after a busy day building Belvederes?

Miss Heather


One Comment on Halloween Decoration Du Jour

  1. Spanky on Wed, 24th Oct 2007 11:08 am
  2. I was in Greenpoint on Saturday going to Busy Bee on Nassua for some of their amazing meat perogies, and I drove down Humbuldt Street and tehre was an amazing Halloween display. There had to be 20 mannequins. I wish I had a camera. Just to let you know.

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