New York Shitty Day Ender: Results

When Laura Hofmann asked Mister Heather to sign a petition to get Evan Thies on the ballot a couple months ago he gladly obliged.


As a result we have been receiving his campaign propaganda ever since. Like this postcard…


…which our cat, Bodhi, saw fit to annotate with his vomitus. As his name indicates, Bodhi is a very wise tabby. Greenpoint born and raised. This is what I call “results”!

I mention the previous anecdote because this evening I received a call from one of Evan Thies’s merry elves on my landline. This is curious for a number of reasons, among them:

  1. Chez Shitty’s landline is under Mister Heather’s name, not mine.
  2. It is unlisted.
  3. The caller/shill asked for me specifically. How did this chap know this phone number, indeed, belonged to me? I’m guessing OSA or GWAPP gave it to him.

In any case, this chap asked me what my feelings about Evan Thies were. I replied:


To wit he asked:


I replied:

Among other things the fact he resigned from CB1 before the Broadway Triangle vote. He should have stayed on, voted and explained why he voted for or against this plan. As distasteful as the choice was either way.

Then I got a song and dance about how Thies’s resignation was ill-timed, e.g.; he didn’t know it would coincide with the Broadway Triangle vote. How he was against the Broadway Triangle plan, etc. I made it known, albeit politely, that I thought his argument was bullshit, he was not going to change my mind and I have other things to do. That brought this unsolicited phone call to a merciful end.

Closing thoughts (for Evan Thies’s campaign wonks/worker bees):

  1. Touting your years as David Yassky’s “Chief of Staff” is a minus, not a plus.
  2. I don’t care who you got my phone number from: do not call me. Especially in the evening. Per *69 you called from 1 (646) 594-4545 at 7:32 p.m. I have every intention of calling this number tomorrow— you have wasted my time, I want to return the favor. It’s better to give than receive.
  3. With Thiesisms like this (regarding campaign contributions he received from Dean Palin and family, who plans to build a 40 story tower at the end of India Street. Dean can be seen hamming it up for the camera with the Executive Director of OSA and David Yassky here):

Thanks for your email–I’d hate for you to think that I was keeping anything from you.  I do not support a 40-story tower there and I said as much at the last debate and during community board discussions on the project, after which, as you probably know, we approved the proposal unanimously with suggested changes.

I do, however, think that the affordable housing component of the project is good, and that a smaller version of the development would be the best case scenario.

I’ve known Dean for a while now, and I think he will work with us on this–but we have to keep at it throughout the land use process.

I cannot, with clear conscience, vote for you Evan. You’re David Yassky 2.0. What’s more, when I get unsolicited phone calls from your campaign workers at dinnertime it pisses me off. Big time. Hence why I wrote this post and relegated you to the “asshole” category on my humble site.

Mazel tov!

Miss Heather

P.S.: The Mister and I are still for Jo Anne Simon. There is no perfect candidate in this race. At least Ms. Simon was frank and didn’t bullshit me when I met her last week. I liked her. What’s more, her workers don’t call me while I’m having dinner.

UPDATE, August 14, 2009; 12:20: I just received a prank call from Mister Heather. As soon as I picked up the phone he said “This is the David Yassky campaign”. I hung up.


7 Comments on New York Shitty Day Ender: Results

  1. no no on Wed, 12th Aug 2009 11:00 pm
  2. I am saving my endorsement (and the windows of my 2 Brooklyn businesses) for a candidate with the balls to stand up to the DOT and tell them how the businesses and residents of Williamsburg/Greenpoint affected by the Kent avenue Conundrum / Greenway want it to go down.

  3. Brian H on Wed, 12th Aug 2009 11:08 pm
  4. Sorry, but you had me at Your-Cat’s-Name-Is-Bodhi. I was blinded by its awesomeness.

  5. missheather on Wed, 12th Aug 2009 11:45 pm
  6. Brian H: Bodhi is the most awesome cat ever. We trapped him from a demolition site at Eagle Street and Manhattan Avenue. His littermates were not so lucky. He opens doors, pulls open drawers, etc. There is no end to his mischief.

  7. bitchcakes on Sat, 15th Aug 2009 7:53 am
  8. I <3 Mr Heather. There is no end to his mischief too!

  9. trinamckeever on Sat, 15th Aug 2009 11:22 am
  10. I’m on the board of GWAPP and we had a discussion early on after the formation of OSA to decide whether we would share our email lists with them. We voted no, and never combined our lists. It is ridiculous to assume we would share our lists with someone running for office,
    Trina McKeever

  11. JerryFowler on Mon, 17th Aug 2009 2:20 pm
  12. I’ve also been troubled with what I’ve heard about Thies and the CB1 vote, I’m glad you brought that up with his staff Miss Heather. The Yassky ties leave me sketched out too. I’m leaning towards Biviano right now. I feel like he’s shown the most spine of any of the candidates so far and would be most likely to take the approach no no referenced and stand up to some of the entrenched bureaucracies.

  13. missheather on Mon, 17th Aug 2009 4:34 pm
  14. When push comes to shove it all really comes down to this:

    1. Taking ownership: part of the reason Greenpoint/Williamsburg is in the state it is because people here DO NOT VOTE! This is what has enabled a small group of people— people whose vision for this community probably do not reflect the sentiments of the majority— to shape north Brooklyn as they/the interests they represent see fit.
    2. Doing your research (yes, this means “work”) and making an informed decision.
    3. Following through with it, e.g.; voting.

    I have said my piece. You have stated yours. The fact you have bothered to do this earns you my utmost respect, Jerry. Keep cool!

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