Consumer Product Review: Donut Ice Cream Sandwich

August 4, 2009 by
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

ppthumbOn Saturday, August 1, I wrote (in this post about Peter Pan’s newest culinary offering, the donut ice cream sandwich):

Methinks I will have to give this, the newest gustatory item to grace the Garden Spot, a whirl. Stay tuned— a product review will be forthcoming!

Sugar coma notwithstanding.

Today, dear readers, was that day.

This morning was pretty much like the (numerous) others which have preceded it: I awakened to find myself hungry. Very hungry. Not knowing what to eat I knocked back a couple cups of coffee. This was an unwise decision— but not an uncommon one for yours truly; although I like food— a lot— selecting what to eat on any given occasion is a source of considerable internal debate. In fact, I’d go so far to say peace treaties, cease fires, and U.N. interventions have come to pass in less time than it takes for me to select what I want for breakfast. Today was no exception.

After getting (more than) my fill of caffeine, I applied a little logic to my quandary:

  1. I am hungry.
  2. I need to eat breakfast.
  3. It is hot outside.
  4. Given points 1-3 I came to the conclusion a donut ice cream sandwich was just the ticket.

I headed to the Peter Pan Bakery without delay.

Upon entering I asked the incredibly nice waitress behind the counter if they had donut ice cream sandwiches for sale. She answered to the affirmative. I then asked her what “flavors” of this product they had on hand. This required summoning the manager, a very kindly lady, from whom I learned the protocol of donut ice cream sandwich construction:

  1. Donut ice cream sandwiches are to be made with unglazed donuts only.
  2. Although she recommended their red velvet cake donut paired with strawberry or vanilla ice cream, alas they were out of unglazed red velvet cake donuts*. Therefore…
  3. she recommended their old-fashioned cake donut with cookies and cream ice cream.
  4. I said “bring it on”.

My enthusiasm was met with a great deal of curiosity by the staff.

How did you learn about our donut ice cream sandwiches?

The waitress asked. To wit I replied:

I saw the sign in the window stating you are now selling ice cream. When my husband and I walked by last weekend I pointed this out to him. In turn, he noticed you were selling donut ice cream sandwiches— I didn’t catch this.

It’s pretty small writing.

She said.

My husband has an eye (or would that be stomach?) for this kind of thing.

I replied. After a quick consultation with the manager an unglazed donut was summoned and my waitress was given the scoop. She doled out a heaping helping of cookies and cream. She awaited further instructions.

There’s a special way to put it together.

She told me. When her co-worker, who has experience in this matter, came over she noticed my waitress had used the large scoop instead of the small one:

You’re supposed to use the small one.

She said, to wit her compatriot replied:

She (pointing to the manager) told me to use the large one.

Once this minor breach of donut ice cream sandwich craftsmanship was addressed, then came the big question:

How do I put it together?

Mash it.

Her confectionery comrade in arms replied.

The final product elicited a great deal of interest from fellow Peter Pan patrons. An older gentleman asked me if he could look at it. I gladly obliged him. The manager asked me if I wanted powdered sugar on top. I politely refused: there was already enough sugar in this sandwich to make me bounce off the walls for several hours. (And it did.)

But I have made you, dear readers, wait long enough. You want to see what all the fuss was about. Here it is.


After I took the above photograph a passerby asked:

Good enough to take a picture, eh?

I quickly called this chap on his impertinence:

This is no mere ice cream sandwich. It is a DONUT ice cream sandwich. They’re selling them at Peter Pan Bakery. They usually put powdered sugar on top but I declined. I thought that would be decadent.

He laughed.

New York Shitty analysis:

  1. At $3.50 a pop this may not be the most recession-friendly product to hit the Greenpoint dining scene.
  2. However, you get a lot for your money— and the people at Peter Pan are great. They really care about their customers.
  3. Whatever you do, eat this product on the premises: the summer heat (as I learned) will quickly render it into the following unsightly (and very sticky) mess.


Closing thoughts/caveats: I am not big on sweets— but I enjoyed it. Moving forward methinks I would probably have preferred the red velvet cake/strawberry ice cream pairing better. But that will have to wait for another day. Check it out!

Donut Ice Cream Sandwiches

  • Old fashioned donut with cookies and cream ice cream
  • Chocolate donut with vanilla ice cream (highly recommended by the manager who said “it’s like eating an Oreo”)
  • Red velvet donut* with strawberry or vanilla ice cream

Peter Pan Bakery
727 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

UPDATE, August 5, 2009 4:55 p.m.: It would appear the good news about donut ice cream sandwiches has found its way onto Williamsboard— with (overall) very enthusiastic feedback! Just take what “SHIIIITBALLS” has to say, for example:

i’m going to fuck this ice cream sandwich

Move over Michelin, why should we give a shit about your five stars when we can have a five knuckle shuffle instead? With this sandwich.

*A new product!



19 Comments on Consumer Product Review: Donut Ice Cream Sandwich

  1. thefictionist on Tue, 4th Aug 2009 7:44 pm
  2. Sweet jesus, this was food porn.


    I want about, say, a dozen of those red velvet donuts.

  3. missheather on Tue, 4th Aug 2009 8:15 pm
  4. I recommend a pairing said sandwich with the latest “flavored” malt beverage/energy drink to grace the Greenpoint Grocery (located at Green Street and Manhattan Avenue): Four Loko.

    Not only can you dunk your donut in something that tastes not unlike ground-up vitamins mixed with grape soda and beer— but you can also make a float!

  5. aperfectbag on Tue, 4th Aug 2009 8:21 pm
  6. Wow…thank you…I will be heading over this weekend to enjoy one!

  7. bestviewinbrooklyn on Wed, 5th Aug 2009 12:42 pm
  8. $3.50 is a lot for a treat, but it looks big enough to share. I don’t like strawberry ice cream, but red velvet with vanilla sounds amazing. Actually, just about anything with the donuts sounds amazing.

  9. missheather on Wed, 5th Aug 2009 12:46 pm
  10. Peter Pan makes some of the best donuts in the city. Seriously. And yes, there is PLENTY to share for your $3.50! 😉

  11. rowan on Wed, 5th Aug 2009 6:17 pm
  12. the red velvets are the awesome. i brought a half-dozen to a picnic in Prospect Park and nobody could resist. am a bit afraid to try the sandwich…unless i make up for it afterwards by going to some intense cardio sessions at the YMCA.

  13. bitchcakes on Thu, 6th Aug 2009 8:29 pm
  14. I have not eaten anything this disgusting (read: AWESOME!) in months. Since I’m not full on Vegan yet, I am totally going to have one this weekend. I can barely wait! Sugar coma, here I come!!!

  15. missheather on Thu, 6th Aug 2009 8:42 pm
  16. I knew you, of all people, would be excited about this development Bitchcakes. Enjoy— and let me know what you think!

  17. bitchcakes on Sat, 8th Aug 2009 4:36 pm
  18. I seriously cannot wait to eat this thing – I decided tomorrow is the day. I think I should get there early when they have the best donut selection possible. I think I’m going to have dreams of it tonight. And by the way, SHIIIIITBALLS stole my line! Upon eating my first Peter Pan donut, in your presence, no less – I declared that I wanted to have sex with it. Peter Pan donuts are truly phenomenal enough to elicit that reaction amongst us sugar addicts.

    I will come back and post my thoughts. Heck, it might warrant a blog of my own!

  19. aperfectbag on Sun, 9th Aug 2009 12:40 pm
  20. Amazing…Everything I thought it would be and more! Thank you…Now, I must nap the rest of the day…

  21. missheather on Sun, 9th Aug 2009 5:08 pm
  22. WOW.

  23. bitchcakes on Sat, 15th Aug 2009 8:08 am
  24. My vote: YES, YES, HOLY MOLY, YES!!! I had the red velvet cake with vanilla ice cream and it was nothing short of awesome. Thank you, Peter Pan, you evil geniuses of sugary goodness.

  25. Paulie Gee on Sun, 16th Aug 2009 9:40 am
  26. After reading this post, I headed to the place to check it out. I had heard about it before, but the donut ice cream sandwich was the hook. What a great old time local business with great donuts. The breakfast sandwiches the customers across the counter were eating (at 2:45pm) looked as good, if not better than the donuts. However, although we stayed inside as per your instructions, the ice cream sandwiches were still a shitty mess. They really gotta serve that stuff rock solid.

  27. ollie1000 on Tue, 18th Aug 2009 1:36 pm
  28. FYI: a friend of mine calls this place “Sexy Donut” due to the succession of cute counter help it’s had over the years, though now I’m going to suggest he updates that to “Sexy Ice Cream Donut”

  29. missginsu on Tue, 18th Aug 2009 2:28 pm
  30. Sweeeet. Suddenly Greenpoint is at the leading edge of culinary innovation. And I thought we were still just pierogi and pad thai. Someone better send an alert to…

  31. Are you hungry?? « Jokemail on Thu, 27th Aug 2009 8:19 pm
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  35. Keep Your Cool | Brooklyn Based on Sat, 13th Jul 2013 2:12 pm
  36. […] Pan Bakery Whoever came up with the donut ice-cream sandwiches at this Greenpiont classic is a genius. After trying one ourselves — an old fashioned donut […]

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