From The New York Shitty Inbox: New & Noteworthy

August 2, 2009 by
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Today, as has often been the case this summer, I had planned to go out and do a little urban exploring only to be foiled by rain. I suspect I speak for my fellow sunshine lovers when I write that I am more than a little nonplussed by this year’s Seattle-esque weather. What to do on a dreary day such this? Well, you could do some much-needed housecleaning and get caught up on email (which is what I will probably be doing) OR you could grab a bowl of popcorn and curl up to watch a good movie. Which brings me to this.


Geoff writes:

Dear Miss Heather,

As a regular reader (and big fan) of your blog I just wanted to say thanks for the great work you do on documenting Greenpoint’s many sights sounds smells and happenings. I’ve lived in the Greenpoint and Williamsburg area since 1997 and here on Eagle St for 4-5 years. I wish there had been blogs like yours 12 years ago when i first moved here, but then again, we had fun walking the area and learning about the neighborhoods of new york on our own too I suppose. But you have the best news source in our beautiful (sic) neighborhood going.

Since June I have recently been writing a very small film blog called the Ojos de Aguila Film Review, that generally tends towards unknown or under-known or under-appreciated or obscure or hard to find films. It is a strictly not for profit blog and perhaps you or your readers may be interested in some of the postings…

I checked out this site and it looks very promising. If you, dear readers, have the time this afternoon I’d encourage you to do the same. Who knows? It might help you to pick a flick to while away this rainy day.

Miss Heather


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