Putting Some “Green” Back in Greenpoint

October 19, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Contrary to the moniker given it by none other than Pete McGuinness, Greenpoint does not have much in the way of foliage. When compared to her sisters to the south, “the Garden Spot of the Universe” comes off looking pretty threadbare. But let us not confuse quantity for quality. We Greenpointers are quite ingenious at making the most of what we have. Case in point:

A Tree Grows In Greenpoint

Got a rather tall stump gracing your property? No problem. Just head to the 99 Cent Store and buy a garland and a roll of packing tape. $1.98 (plus tax) and a little elbow grease later, viola, you have a Green Street Maple!

Miss Heather


3 Comments on Putting Some “Green” Back in Greenpoint

  1. mr. belvedere on Fri, 19th Oct 2007 1:05 am
  2. this IS the garden spot of the universe…where else are you going to see shit like this? i fuckin love greenpoint!

  3. missheather on Fri, 19th Oct 2007 6:51 am
  4. I for one prefer “The Athens of Brooklyn”. Yes, Mr. McGuinness once called Greenpoint just this.

    Otherwise I agree with you on the following points:

    1. Where else are you going to see shit like this? Nowhere.
    2. I fucking love Greenpoint too.

  5. elmire on Sun, 21st Oct 2007 7:54 pm
  6. Imagine my surprise when a photocopied letter from Bloomberg appeared in our mailbox last month saying that our street had been selected to get some new trees, cause there weren’t enough. We brushed it off, thinking that it would never happen. Then, last week, I came out of our house to find actual city crews marking up the sidewalk for at least 5 new trees on our block. I was stunned. When and if the trees actually arrive, I will be elated. Perhaps the 11222 can be a leafy garden oasis (sort of.)

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