Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: If Anyone From The Department Of Buildings Is Reading This


If you want access to 239 Banker Street (AKA: The Sweater Lofts) today is your big day!


As of 4:40 this afternoon, Sunday, July 26, they were working.


As you can see the freight elevator is open!


What’s more, they were even thoughtful enough to post plans in said elevator for the edification of passersby. (Click on the above jpeg to see the “floor plans” for this “hotel” in their replete glory).

Hope this has been helpful,

Miss Heather


7 Comments on Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: If Anyone From The Department Of Buildings Is Reading This

  1. neighborhood threat on Sun, 26th Jul 2009 9:48 pm
  2. I think someone was moving in, and there were multiple groups of people waiting for brokers throughout the day. I briefly considered walking down there to tell people that the building was illegally occupied, but I was actually working at home today, so that was out.

  3. tmg259 on Mon, 27th Jul 2009 3:22 pm
  4. I think just like almost every other loft building in Greenpoint/Williamsburg it is illegally occupied. I’m not sure why you have a huge beef with this specific space. There are much worse illegally occupied buildings that do much worse for the area then this [ahem 151 kent]. Everyone who lives here knows its not perfect and hates Mr. Max Stark, he is as you have written before a major asshole in the Greenpoint/Williamsburg market but I don’t see the huge problem with the sweater factory.

    Concentrate on the Viridian or the Pencil Factory who are much more intrusive to the Greenpoint area and would create much more havoc on the area then this old sweater factory. OR you could continue to be ‘witty’ and talk about how all the residents are living w/o knowing a thing about the building.

  5. Mitchell23 on Thu, 30th Jul 2009 7:33 pm
  6. Here Here tmg259

    I am helping a friend move into 239 Banker (I have lived happily in 125 Green, another converted loft, for 4 years) whom has lived in legal and not so legal loft conversion throughout manhattan and brooklyn for 15 years. Please NYS, give this a break, everyone knows what they are getting into, the way of New York City real estate has seen questionable occupancy for years, this is nothing new.

    If your only goal is to call attention to these types of conversions as a way of community service, it is not helping. Let this go. As mentioned above, concentrate on the NEW crap in the neighborhood, outpriced, silly buildings.

    These apartments are affordable for the area and the residents are kind souls whom wish to live in a real converted loft. Do not try and contribute to getting them kicked out.

  7. missheather on Fri, 31st Jul 2009 2:38 am
  8. How is it in Corona, Queens “Mitchell23”?

  9. Mitchell23 on Fri, 31st Jul 2009 8:32 am
  10. Corona, Queens?

  11. nycgrl on Thu, 10th Sep 2009 11:23 am
  12. I agree with tmg259.
    Why do you have it out so much with this particular building?
    How about these shoddily constructed condos spreading like wildfire throughout the neighborhood? Or the ghost condo on Kent Ave blocking the entire river view.
    This looks like a nice old building getting a face lift and being put to use again, instead of just sitting there empty doing no use to no one. This, to me, is preferable than new condos going up, and most of those are sitting empty.

  13. neighborhood threat on Fri, 25th Sep 2009 8:55 am
  14. now that i read this, it was so obvious that nycgrl and mitchell were brokers tag-teaming.

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