From The New York Shitty Inbox: Holy Sh*t!

Luke writes (in an email entitled “Crikey!”):

this morning my girlfriend and i were in champion coffee’s backyard
and this guy showed up… wtf?


Household pet or is Garden Spot of the Universe at long last reverting back to its original primordial state? First is was a raccoon*, then it was a chicken on Craigslist and and now reptiles have entered the fray. Too bad Marlin Perkins is no longer with us— as it would appear our ‘nabe is a becoming a veritable Noah’s Ark of critterdom.

Miss Heather

*about whom Luke writes:

also, the raccoon that was in the tree @ box st has moved on.  we saw him on tues (sleeping), and he was still there yesterday (stretching etc).  i hope he’s ok.

thanks for (offering) the raccoon to us.  go greenpoint wildlife!


2 Comments on From The New York Shitty Inbox: Holy Sh*t!

  1. Tony From Kent Street on Thu, 23rd Jul 2009 11:43 am
  2. That sure looks like a common non-poisonous Garter Snake found pretty much anywhere in the U.S.

  3. aperfectbag on Thu, 23rd Jul 2009 12:09 pm
  4. Picked up from McCarren Dog Run Google Group & NYC Dog Yahoo Group

    Rabid Raccoons In New York City
    Updated: Wednesday, 22 Jul 2009, 12:10 AM EDT
    Published : Tuesday, 21 Jul 2009, 8:19 PM EDT
    MYFOXNY.COM – Several rabid raccoons have been found in Manhattan, Queens
    and the Bronx in recent weeks. That is prompting the New York City Health
    Department to issue a warning.
    Pet owners should make sure their animals are vaccinated agaisnt rabies.
    The health department says people should avoid contact will any raccoons,
    skunks, bats, stray dogs and cats and other wild animals that can carry
    Six rabid animals – all raccoons – have been identified in New York City
    this year. Four were found in the Bronx, one in Manhattan (near Inwood Hill
    Park), and one in Queens (Long Island City).
    Raccoons are the most commonly reported rabid animals in New York City.
    Rabid raccoons are a relatively common occurrence in Staten Island and the
    Bronx, but rare in Queens and Manhattan. Bats with rabies have also been
    found in all five boroughs.
    People and unvaccinated animals can get rabies, most often through a bite
    from an infected animal. Infection leads to a severe brain disease that
    causes death unless the person is treated promptly after being bitten.
    People who see wild animals, as well as any animal that seems sick,
    disoriented or unusually placid or aggressive should be reported by calling

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