Do you or anyone you know have a chicken coop and need another chicken? It’s a beauty. (! — Ed. Note) We used it for a film yesterday and need to find a home for it.

Preferably someone who will use it for eggs.


How can I not shake the feeling this fetching fowl is going to find its way onto somebody’s dinner’s plate? In any case if anyone reading this is in need of a “free live chicken” here’s your golden opportunity.

Ah Craigslist, you never cease to entertain…

Miss Heather

P.S.: Special thanks go out to Tony On Kent Street for forwarding me this gem.


3 Comments on FREE IN GREENPOINT: Live Chicken

  1. amandabee on Thu, 23rd Jul 2009 9:44 am
  2. Return to sender?

    Seriously, wouldn’t the reasonable thing be to take it back to the folks they got it from?

  3. missheather on Thu, 23rd Jul 2009 11:29 am
  4. They should contact an humane group (like Empty Cages Collective) and have the little lass taken to an animal sanctuary.

  5. Friday’s lunch-time linkage | Brokelyn on Fri, 24th Jul 2009 11:14 am
  6. […] fake Guccis [Daily News] Coney Island freak show owner demands fifth leg reattached to puppy [AM NY] Wanted on Craigslist: Home for live chicken (preferably for egg use only!) [New York Shitty] B train to be gone for two years [AM NY] Prospect Park trashers come clean […]

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