Purloined Row Boat Update: Found?


Laura wrote (at 9:23 p.m.):

I see that someone lost a row boat. We found one on Saturday at the Nature Walk. I don’t recall if the sides were the color described. From the back on the photo, looks like it could be grey. There’s a number on it 995. I’m going to call the phone number listed to see if it’s the same row boat.

Laura writes at (9:31 p.m.):

The phone number that the folks have written on that sign is the 94th precinct phone number. (718-383-3879— Ed. Note) The officer who answered the phone knew nothing about the boat, but is going to call one of the detectives to see if they know anything. Good luck with that!

Let’s see. All they (94th precinct) have to do is go to 132 Noble Street, ask for a chap named Christopher, take him to the Nature Walk and ask him if this his boat?

So it goes.

Miss Heather


One Comment on Purloined Row Boat Update: Found?

  1. greenpointer on Wed, 22nd Jul 2009 11:53 am
  2. The boat on Noble had a square bow and this one has a pointy one. I don’t recall seeing any numbers on it either.

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