Missing In Greenpoint: Row Boat


Exactly how someone can make off with a row boat is beyond me. Such an item would strike me as being rather difficult to purloin discreetly like, say, a pair of socks— but someone did! If anyone reading this saw someone in or around 132 Noble Street brandishing a boat fitting the above description last Friday night please contact the police at the above telephone number.


Miss Heather

P.S. Special thanks goes out to my buddy Bed-Stuy Banana (who happened to be in the 11222 zip) for tipping me off to this.


One Comment on Missing In Greenpoint: Row Boat

  1. cmoore on Sun, 26th Jul 2009 4:21 pm
  2. To all Concerned,

    You guys are so cool. I took my sign down yesterday, and promised it to an old friend. I had that boat for 25 years and rowed it in so many different locations. It has been here, in Greenpoint, for twelve years now. It was always locked on my front patio with a small chain, but after a recent trip out, I got careless and did not lock it. Two weeks later it went missing.

    This week I am going to call the DEP or parks dept to see if that #995 boat has an owner. I surely won’t take it without absolute proof that it is legally abandoned. If anyone knows of another simple rowboat for sale, please contact me by commenting or something. It must be a 10 footer. 9 or 8 might be ok too. Aluminum is always best for me. -C

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