From The Greenpoint Grapevine: More About The Dupont Street Suicide

July 14, 2009 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


Remember the dead body recently found on Dupont Street? I do— one does not easily forget such things. In my initial post about this tragic passing of events I reported the person was homeless. I have since heard buzz that this is not the case.  Anonymous writes:

so i just got some more sad details about the suicide on dupont. (this is second hand from a neighbor, i still need to confirm)

it turns out that the guy wasn’t homeless, but lived with couple other older polish people on the second floor of my bulding at 139 dupont st. i guess his wife decided to go back to poland and he stayed here, residing somewhere else.

i guess he then decided to take his life. i guess he was found with a bag over his head and a noose, and had been there for some time. a few of us on the block had noticed a stench about a month ago, but put it down to rats or it just being greenpoint.

i didn’t personally know this man, but would seem him often, coming into my building drunk. he always wore workers clothes and looked like he’d lived a tough life, hard to tell how old he was, probably in his 50’s but looked older.

i do know that the apt he lived in was vacated recently and i hadn’t seem him around, though one night he was sleeping in the hallway.(not the first time i’d seen this, i don’t think he actually had keys to get in the building, they always seemed to buzz him in or look out the door when the heard someone coming up the steps.)

when they found the body, it looks like they had found a piece of wood that he had scrawled a note on.
i overheard another polish man translating it for the cops, and on it was my address and 131 dupont, with the message to give his tools to someone named ritchey,

there hasn’t been any activity on the consctruction site since the fall or early winter. one neighbor says they saw workers go in there on the day before the cops came, and they ran out. he also thought that they might have been (undocumented workers) and probably didn’t want to get involved, the guy who found him the next day was english speaking.

that’s about all i know.

it sounds like a really sad story, esp now that i know the guy was a neighbor and i can put a face to him

Indeed. But one need not have known this man to feel genuine sadness for the circumstances that led up to his suicide. I suspect I speak for many when I write that I hope he has at long last found the peace that so eluded him in life.

Miss Heather


One Comment on From The Greenpoint Grapevine: More About The Dupont Street Suicide

  1. janimpala on Wed, 15th Jul 2009 11:23 pm
  2. Heather – This is terrible. Please email off list if you heard what his name was, I will bring this sad story up to some people I know, maybe we can do something honorable here.

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