New York Shitty PSA: Cat Killer On The Loose?

July 8, 2009 by
Filed under: Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint Magic 


…Too many cats keep getting shot in this neighborhood. It is punishable by law.

This is not the first time I have such fliers in this area (Greenpoint Avenue between Eckford and McGuinness Boulevard) and I doubt it will be the last. If anyone reading this has a feline companion please keep him or her indoors! To everyone else: if you see anyone mistreating an animal— ANY ANIMAL— please report them to the ASPCA and/or the police department STAT.

American Society for The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals New York City Hotline: 212 876-7700, ext. 4450*
94th Precinct, N.Y.P.D.: 718 383-3879

Miss Heather

*You can also contact the ASPCA via email at: humanel (at) aspca (dot) org


11 Comments on New York Shitty PSA: Cat Killer On The Loose?

  1. rowan on Wed, 8th Jul 2009 5:14 pm
  2. fucking disgusting.

  3. vinithehat on Wed, 8th Jul 2009 9:36 pm
  4. I live right on that block. I have never seen a shot cat or heard cats getting shot. Unless they’re shooting cats between 9am and 5 pm Monday through Friday, while I’m at work and cleaning up before I get home, I’d have to say “baloney” to this. Aside from that, the logic of the poster is dubious: cats are not very good ratters.

  5. missheather on Wed, 8th Jul 2009 9:43 pm
  6. If you will look carefully, vini, you will notice the flier states cats are being shot in this neighborhood not your block. Given that Greenpoint Avenue gets a fair amount of foot traffic it would be logical to post such a flier there.

    You wrote: Aside from that, the logic of the poster is dubious: cats are not very good ratters

    Do you have cats? I do. I’ve found the by-products of feline “ratting” activity. My personal favorite was the one in Mister Heather’s sneaker.

  7. Rebecca11222 on Wed, 8th Jul 2009 9:57 pm
  8. If any rodent gets in my apt. my babies make short work of them…and bring them to me…on freakin’ Mother’s Day, no less. THANK YOU!!???

    also, I remember seeing similar signs up a few years ago (2006?) on Nassau and hearing rumors that some “young white men” with close-cut hair cuts were shooting cats.

  9. vinithehat on Thu, 9th Jul 2009 11:02 am
  10. Mister Heather must have HUGE FEET for a cat to be able to drop a rat inside.

    Rats are powerful for their size and cannot be easily overwhelmed by a cat or any reasonable size. They are fast; they can dodge the bail on a spring loaded trap and usually escape capture.

  11. missheather on Thu, 9th Jul 2009 12:15 pm
  12. Did I write that I found an entire rat? No I didn’t.

  13. vinithehat on Thu, 9th Jul 2009 9:13 pm
  14. Baloney!

  15. missheather on Thu, 9th Jul 2009 9:45 pm
  16. You made an assumption and I called you on it. Whatever. I have better things to do and what’s more your fixation with this post (and rats in general) is disturbing in its own right.

    But if you’re into rats (or their eradication) you might find Luc Sante’s book Lowlife of interest. Pay particular attention to Kit Burn’s rat pit.

  17. vinithehat on Fri, 10th Jul 2009 7:52 am
  18. You’re one to judge what fixates people!

    Beyond starting a blog about dog shit, let be fair:

    Go figure!

  19. missheather on Fri, 10th Jul 2009 1:18 pm
  20. Instead of “trolling” my blog (if your intent is to cause me emotional distress it isn’t working) why don’t you start your own? It would be a much more productive use of your time.

    Discussion closed.

  21. on Tue, 28th Jul 2009 5:45 pm
  22. Cool poster. I am glad people care about strays and try to do good in the world!

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