Crosstown Local Photos Du Jour: Size Matters

June 3, 2009 by
Filed under: Crosstown Local, Greenpoint Magic 

A friend of mine recently made the brilliant observation that Twitter is the “bathroom room wall” of the Internet. Not only do I think this is true, but I would like to take his logic one step further: the Greenpoint Avenue stop of the G train is the Twitter of the New York City subway system. Follows is how I came to this conclusion.

The demographic of both Twitter and the Crosstown Local is more or less the same: people wishing they were somewhere else, e.g.; in the case of Twitter somewhere other than work and in the case of the Crosstown Local riding the G train. Eventually this ennui degenerates into anger and the exchanges start to get heated. This is when it starts to get interesting. Take this exchange I found on the Queens bound platform recently, for example.


As you can see rather lively dialogue is taking place on this poster for Royal Pains. Let’s go in for a closer look!



I guess size really does matter after all. Or does it?


To paraphrase Mark Twain:

It’s not the size of the sharpie in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the sharpie .

Miss Heather


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