Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: What Is Wrong With This Picture?

May 6, 2009 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

During his stay at Chez Shitty my father got to witness firsthand the hilarity that is life in Greenpoint. Upon arriving he beheld the barricaded glory that is 110 Green Street and, appropriately enough, shortly before he departed we got a few chuckles courtesy of the following.


What is wrong with this picture? If you guessed the giant nondo to the left you are only half correct. If you look a little more closely you’ll notice…


this traffic sign. Note the direction the of the cars parked on this block. Now note the orientation of this sign. Now factor in that Green is a one way street and you get the idea.


For those of you who are not in the know there is a stop sign located on this block within eyeshot of the above-depicted sign.


Unfortunately it is located in the opposite direction. Whoops. It just goes to show there is no job, however small, this city cannot manage to bungle. Given that our municipal guardians had a 50/50 chance of getting it right this is no small feat. Way to go guys.

Miss Heather


One Comment on Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: What Is Wrong With This Picture?

  1. bitchcakes on Sat, 9th May 2009 9:46 am
  2. That is un-freaking-believable! Do you think it was actually installed incorrectly, or could some prankster have removed it and put it on the wrong way?

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