To Whom It May Concern On Green Street


If you are the owner of this Honda.


And are wondering why your roof is crushed in.


It’s because the following two fucked-up hipsters decided to make out on your motor vehicle. It must have been a magical moment (or they simply hate imported cars) because our love birds also elected to jump up and down on it as well.


At 4:00 this morning.

Miss Heather


6 Comments on To Whom It May Concern On Green Street

  1. bestviewinbrooklyn on Sat, 25th Apr 2009 1:21 pm
  2. I hate people sometimes. No, that’s too strong. Actually, no, I said sometimes. It’s totally appropriate.

  3. bleibtreu on Sun, 26th Apr 2009 2:38 pm
  4. 4 AM on Green Street… probably the result of a closing-time-at-the-Mark-Bar hookup.

  5. missheather on Sun, 26th Apr 2009 4:34 pm
  6. Actually they were headed from the direction of t.b.d.— but the scenario you came up with is otherwise spot on. I’d love to know what substances that woman was on. No doubt her newly discovered Romeo “got some” that night!

  7. subtexture on Mon, 27th Apr 2009 9:32 am
  8. haha, yeah they were at the mark bar, the girl was a totally trashed polish girl with dreads.
    they had to kick her and her friends out of the bar after she broke the light over the pool table then
    threw a full beer at the pool table.- sending glass and beer everywhere.
    they also took off with my jacket and my hoodie when they left. i’m keeping her denim jacket as hostage, if any of you know her

  9. MJK012579 on Tue, 13th Oct 2009 12:38 pm
  10. What is the Mark Bar?

  11. missheather on Tue, 13th Oct 2009 12:43 pm
  12. A local watering hole.

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