For those of you who have more dollars than common sense…

August 21, 2007 by
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

174 Franklin Street

174 Franklin Street will be having an open house this upcoming Saturday from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. When I first saw this flyer I was like, I can’t fucking believe this shit!?! $1,000,000+ for a 3 story house that is not even located on the “good” side of Greenpoint Avenue? This is almost as absurd as something I saw the last time I swung by the Franklin Corner Store to use their ATM.

ATM with flyers

I occasionally patronize this machine when I am financially “tight” because it dispenses money in increments of $10.00. Given the previous fact you can imagine the expression on my face when I noticed a stack of flyers immediately to my right.

Belvedere Flyer

Jesus H. Christ.

Is it not enough that I:

  1. face certain harassment whenever I walk by their latest project on Java Street? Even on weekends?
  2. have to look at their craptastic advertecture every time I ride the B43 bus?
  3. have resigned myself to the fact that these people are slowly overtaking this neighborhood, making it look pre-fab shit, violating numerous rules and regulations in the process and the Department of Buildings will not do a damned thing about it?

Can they at least respect the solace the Franklin Corner Store ATM provides to those of us who are too poor to buy a condo? Is this really too much to ask?

Apparently so.

Miss Heather


2 Comments on For those of you who have more dollars than common sense…

  1. mr. belvedere on Tue, 21st Aug 2007 9:34 am
  2. sure, get all on the back of the honest hardworking folks at BBBR, LLC. with nary a word about the growing number of hulk assaults on ET lemur couples plaguing our otherwise burgeoning hood…for shame!

  3. missheather on Tue, 21st Aug 2007 9:35 am
  4. I was planning on writing about that, actually.

    Cut me some slack. I have a cold. I feel like shit.

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